Review: White Rose

White Rose by Kip Wilson

Versify, 2019.  Hardcover, 368 pages. Cover: White Rose

In the years leading up to World War II, a small group of students did what they could to stop the rise of Hitler.  Known as the White Rose, it included a number of university students, including the narrator, Sophie Scholl, and her older brother Hans.  Together, this group penned letters and flyers that criticized the Nazi regime and asked people to take action. Great effort was made to distribute the letters widely and from across the country and not just near their university, The University of Munich, or homes, including Ulm.  Much of what was written was inspired by what the male members of the group saw during their forced service in the East and their reactions to it.

However, their efforts were noticed by the Gestapo. Large purchases of stamps were reported.  One was nearly caught with a mimeograph machine. How long would the White Rose be able to continue their efforts?  What would happen to its members? Read and learn.

Unlike most novels, this one was written in verse.  Each word chosen makes a big impact. The pacing varies between segments, with a fast pace where more action was needed, such as distributing materials, and slower when not, such as when Sophie spent time with her family.  Then there were words chosen that made big impacts, such as the “boom-boom, boom-boom” representing Sophie’s rushed heartbeat as she carried out her acts of resistance. This fast, yet impactful, read will be a good introduction to the young adult audience about the German resistance to Hitler led by people their own age.

This review is based on a copy provided by the publisher.

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